

Hi all,


A colleague in our IT departments has asked me to forward this message to you.  Please contact Caroline directly to respond.  [log in to unmask]



The Gender and Ethnicity Profile for IT Services at the University of Manchester shows, as you would probably expect, that there is a bias towards white males across all grades. We are starting a piece work to investigate how we might encourage female and BME staff to enter IT Services at the University and to support them in moving successfully into the higher grades.


We would be very interested to look at the Gender and Ethnicity Profile for IT departments at other Universities and to hear about any initiatives being undertaken to address bias.

Please let us know if you are willing to share your data with us.


Many Thanks


Cath Prescott l Equality Diversity and Inclusion l G.029 John Owens l The University of Manchester l Oxford Road l Manchester,M13 9PL l Tel +44 (0) 161 306 5856  l [log in to unmask]