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On Sat, Jan 21, 2017 at 11:25 AM Gary T Marx <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Colleagues --This final report issued by the Obama administration
> summarizes developments taken at the U.S. federal level over the last 8
> years with respect to privacy and related issues:
> A lot clearly is going on, even though this is stronger on privacy
> protections for the individual and is lighter on the social and equity
> impacts, reciprocity, transparency, sanctions and on freedom of information
> issues. The focus continues to be on privacy as an individual, rather than
> a social value. The social emphasis, is on the role of good security for
> protecting privacy. This is seen to increase trust and therefore facilitate
> commerce both locally and globally.
> With respect to public policy, doomsayers and technophobes need to be
> aware of all that is going on beyond the constraining and moderating, if
> imperfect, role of institutions and culture to counter a downward spiral
> into dystopia-land, while optimistic technophiles
> and pluralists need to note how far these best practices and policies are
> from the ideal and also to ask about their implementation. As usual, it is
> semi-opaque. Cheers, Gary
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