


Peace is necessary to retain the gain of colonial plunders, I am Sure
you are aware of the 'peace keeping forces' all around the world.

But there are no villains in the story really, only victims.
The colonizer is a victim himself and it is his de humanization that
led him to the act of colonization.

Just like the idea of the civilized the term 'modernity' was also
invented cleverly to put down tradition. tradition is backward like
the uncivilized.

Hope you will read this with peace, patience and sensitivity.......
Don't take the blame. it is not intended to. We are in the same
sinking boat..... How long we stay afloat only 'god' knows!
Most important characteristic of modernity is appropriation.

Own the meaning! You conquer the user.
Ivan Illich has written about the Antonio Nebrija, who in 1492 or so
has reduced the multiplicity of oral traditions on the Castillian
peninsula into standard Spanish, first with a grammar and later a
dictionary. Nebrija recognized, even then that, if Queen Isabella was
going to govern rather than simply rule her subjects, she needed a
national language.”
During the time Columbus cruised southwest through recognizable
Portuguese waters and harbors, in Spain the fundamental engineering of
a new social reality was proposed to the queen. While Columbus sailed
for foreign lands to seek the familiar - gold, subjects, nightingales
- in Spain Nebrija advocates the reduction of the queen's subjects to
an entirely new type of dependence. He presents her with a new weapon,
grammar, to be wielded by a new kind of mercenary, the letrado.
"My lllustrious Queen. Whenever I ponder over the tokens of the past
that have been preserved in writing, I am forced to the very same
conclusion. Language has always been the consort of empire, and
forever shall remain its mate. Together they come into being, together
they grow and flower, and together they decline."
So one doesn't know when the word culture became just song and dance.
Could have been done by some one powerful who did not have much
culture to talk about. This was also done to the word 'tradition'.
De colonization....... This is the biggest joke i have heard in the
recent times.
The language was always used as a mask during the colonization period
and now it is being put to use fully in the globalization phase. By
the by globalization is nothing but colonization at a more convincing
and forceful manner. with 'beauty' and elegance! Trump at its helm.

Colonization was justified under many pretense and one word that was
put to use was 'civilize' the uncivilized! Help is even now used to
subjugate!- the NGO sector.....

The word and the deed is separated for the sales men of colonialism as
well as for globalization. See how they sold 'freedom' and trapped

Sorry for being personal..... It will clarify the context.
All though my education i only heard western names. Charles and the
Boyle etc   and one did wonder didn't we do anything worthwhile in the
past that we could study....  (yes off course, way back in 1947 we had
a choice- to free ourselves totally from the western world view or to
remain slaves.... We chose the second option. So only we are to be
blamed.. but do hear my story)
Any way education was a joke being played on us. We were any way
learning someone else's story.  may be because of this I could not
find one person in the engineering collage who was really committed,
passionate, interested in learning. In design school the freedom
initially masked the colonization. But soon it became clear that
freedom was only in the process- how to study- but the content is
western. Bauhaus...history of design....etc..  Luckily i knew i have
to save me from this onslaught.......
It is my life with the 'illiterate' artisan who gave me a real glimpse
of how to live as part of nature. (By the by the illiterates learn the
world and the literates learn the word which means their beingness is
formed by the world and our beingness is formed by the word)
I remember reading a book 'cry, my beloved country'.......every time i
look around in my country this is what i feel. People who have been
living a sustainable and wise life is being shunted out of it, made to
feel inferior and then after several years learn what they have been
practicing for centuries from people who hardly have any real
understanding of that.
Sustainability, Jugad, frugal design, repair.... take any new jargon
that are being thrown around. All this is being practiced by all
traditional communities all around the world- even now. They are
nature centric unlike the anthropocentric modernity......
Sustainability is not an afterthought. It is part of their beingness.
The nature of modernity is to fragment, exclude. Naturally the
feminine and childlike qualities have no place. This is clear from the
words and the activity that is going on in modernity. when did we
start talk about system thinking? holistic? All this are like
The whole focus of cognitive science is to develop more and more
intelligent machines and not for awakening and sustaining the
creativity in children. Why do we lose all our creativity once we go
though modern schooling?

Totally misplaced priorities..

On 25/01/2017, Eduardo A. Corte-Real
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> In the meanwhile, Lala Land won a record of Oscar nominations…
> Eduardo Corte-Real
> PhD Arch.
> Associate Professor
> Professor Associado com Agregação
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> Av. Dom Carlos I, nº4, 1200-649 Lisboa, Portugal
> T: +351 213 939 600
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