

Hi All

We still have spaces on our NLP course running on the 9th February in London.

Many of the models in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) were created by studying people who did things exquisitely well: the study of human excellence. The tools and techniques identified throughout this study will help you to explore a positive change in both yourself and others.

Key learning objectives include:

 - Understand NLP: What is it? Competency modelling and the four pillars of NLP
 - Creating rapport and relationships: assessing your own and colleagues’ language patterns; use language patterns to motivate and influence; create instant rapport through matching and mirroring
 - Learn to appreciate personal differences: everyone has a different map of the world, learn to appreciate others’ view points; create greater behavioural choice and options when dealing with others
 - The power of the unspoken word: reorganise your thinking by changing your language; learn precision questioning techniques to elicit better quality information
 - Build confidence and develop positive behaviours: understand and flex your own state in challenging situations; learn to restrict unhelpful thoughts, habits and feelings and reframe them to better versions

This training is suitable for anyone who wishes to take the first steps in learning about NLP and has a desire to produce even better results than they achieve at present.

You can view the full course outline here -

Any questions please do get in touch.

Best wishes

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