



As a change from thinking about which EGU session to go for, I would 
like to bring to your attention a lectureship position available in 
Durham in the Dept Earth Sciences.

If you are not interested in applying yourself, please pass on these 
details to colleagues who you think might be interested.

We would welcome applications from geophysicists in all senses of the 

The details are:

The Department of Earth Sciences at Durham University wishes to recruit 
an outstanding Lecturer in Earth Sciences. The Department has broad 
interests across the range of geosciences (see web link below) and seeks 
applications from highly motivated and broad-thinking candidates working 
in any area of geoscience research that complements and build on the 
department’s current expertise and interests.

The position offers an exciting opportunity to conduct both research and 
teaching of the highest, international quality. Academics are expected 
to raise funding to undertake research, to recruit and supervise 
postgraduate students and postdoctoral research staff, and to explore 
the full potential for impact of their research. All academic staff 
members are encouraged to develop their own research groups and are also 
expected to contribute to existing research themes in the Department and 
across the University, including collaborative vehicles such as the 
Durham Energy Institute and the Institute for Hazard, Risk and Resilience.

The new lecturer will be strongly committed to the education of 
students. The appointee will use their skills in the classroom, 
laboratory and/or field, as appropriate, to teach both large and small 
(e.g. tutorial) groups, supervise dissertation/research projects and act 
as an advisor for undergraduates. Staff may be asked to teach outside 
their immediate expertise at an elementary level.

*Applications are particularly welcome from women and minority ethnic 
candidates*. The Department values its collegial working atmosphere; it 
is member of the Athena SWAN Charter and holds a departmental Bronze 
Athena SWAN award.

The application deadline is 29 January 2017.

Further details about the Department of Earth Sciences and its research 
can be found at:

*Interviews are anticipated to take place in early 2017.*

Successful applicants will, ideally, be in post by *1 September 2017.*

For further details of this position and to make an application, please 


Professor C. Peirce
Department of Earth Sciences
Durham University

Tel: 0191 334 2315
Fax: 0191 334 2301