

Hello all, 

I am stuck on making the model for a 2x2 repeated measure ANOVA with a covariate. It will be great if someone could help me with it! 

Our study design is: two groups of people, go through either Purple or Control intervention (between-subject); everyone has two scans, pre and post intervention (within-subject). Now, we have seen that subjects' rating scores are negatively correlated with insula activation in pre-post contrast in the Purple group. Meaning if they rate higher on grating, they would experience a smaller decrease in insula. Now, we want to compare this effect between Purple and Control group. The score is only collected once.

Assuming we have 4 people, 2 purple 2 control, and they have scores as purple1=5, purple2=2, control1=4, control2=3
                  ev1        ev2          ev3          ev4           ev5             ev6              ev7
P1 pre         1                            1                                                                    5
P2 pre         1                                            1                                                    2
P1 post       -1                           1                                                                    -5
P2 post       -1                                           1                                                    -2
C1 pre                       1                                              1                                    -4
C2 pre                       1                                                                 1                 -3
C1 post                     -1                                             1                                     4
C2 post                     -1                                                                1                  3  

and contrast be ev7=1?
or should I have ev7 as 5, 2, -5, -2, 4, 3, -4, -3 and have the contrast as ev1=1, ev2=-1, ev7=1?
