

Dear palm experts

I am trying to run a one sample T test inn palm to get a look at all my subjects response to emotional faces in general. I have run the command:
-i faces_cope5_4D.nii -eb faces_eb_final.csv -n 5000 -T -logp -o allsubjects_faces

1) The output gives two contrasts even though I have not specified a contrast file.
What is the difference of these outputs? Does it have something to do with the -eb file? I have a multilevel-eb file restricting shuffling between twin-pairs and singletons.

2) For visualizing significant clusters I am using the following fslmath command:
fslmaths allsubjects_faces_tfce_tstat_fwep_c1 -thr 1.3 -bin -mul allsubjects_faces_vox_tstat_c1 allsubjects_faces_thresh_tstat_c1
Is this correct? The 1.3 threshold is due to logp values in output. I have adapted this from the randomize usergudie, but am in doubt of what the -bin option does.

3) I then want to use the cluster command to get further information about significant cluster(s). I have read in a prior thread that the threshold here is arbitrary, could you comment on this? This seems correct as I get the same output form the cluster command with --thresh=1.3.
cluster --in= allsubjects_face_thresh_tstat_c1 --thresh=0.0001 --oindex= allsubjects_faces_cluster_index --olmax= allsubjects_faces_lmax.txt --osize= allsubjects_faces_cluster_size

4) When visualizing output in fslview with the MNI152_TI_2mm_brain as overlay, activations seems to be localized outside the standard brain. This is of course not the case if I have the MNI152_TI_2mm_brain as a mask with the -m option. Why do I see this pattern when individual data is standardizes with the same MNI152_TI_2mm_brain ?

Thanks for all your help!
Best Regards Iselin Meluken


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