

Dear Colleagues

In conjunction with Weill Cornell Medicine and Maimonides Medical Center we will be hosting our second IDEAL Collaboration conference from 4th-5th May 2017 at the New York Academy of Medicine, New York, USA.

The theme of the meeting is "Research, Regulation, and Reimbursement in Surgery and Technologies"

  *   Learn about the latest developments in the scientific methodology for investigating new surgeries and medical devices
  *   Hear internationally renowned surgical researchers discussing innovation and evaluation in multiple clinical areas
  *   Present your research on innovations in surgery and therapeutic technology to an international audience of clinicians, scientists, manufacturers and regulators
  *   Learn about IDEAL pathways for innovation in medicine and perspectives on regulation and reimbursement
  *   Use IDEAL as EBM framework in surgery, device innovation and interventional care

Provisional information is now available on our website where you can also download a flyer for distribution to your networks.

We would be grateful if you could share this information on Twitter @IDEALCollab #IDEAL2017

We will update the information on our website and by Twitter as the programme is finalised and Abstract submission opens.

Many thanks

Looking forward to seeing many of you there.



Allison Hirst
IDEAL Collaboration Project Manager

Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences
University of Oxford
John Radcliffe Hospital

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