

Dear Critters,

This is to let you know about two events coming up next month:

Prof Alastair Bonnett will present the Eila Campbell Memorial Lecture.
Friday 17th February 6pm, Birkbeck:

The Mapping Explosion: Taking Control of the Map
The map is no longer the preserve of experts. It is a popular form, consumed and produced by millions. Ranging from the psychogeographical experiments of the 1960s to the endless maps being spawned in our era of mass data, this talk considers why we are so addicted to maps and map-making and what this says about our relationship to the ordinary streets and spaces around us.
The lecture will be followed by a drinks reception; it is free and open to all but please register

Landscape Learn in collaboration with Phytology invite you to:
Winter Dormancy
Saturday 18th February 10.30-13:00 Bethnal Green Nature Reserve.
An exploration of the nature reserve, to discover the history of redefining city space, discuss urban ecologies, medicinal plants and local history.  Lunch and a donation to the Bethnal Green Nature Reserve are included as part of the admission price. Please sign up here

Best wishes

Dr Rosie Cox
Assistant Dean, Department of Geography, Environment and Development Studies,
Birkbeck, University of London