

Dear colleagues,

I am trying to use relion for subtomogram averaging. Unlike the data in
protocol, my sample was from FIB milling cells, as a result, there is a 13
degree pre-tilt in my tomograms.

I found the tilt direction of the 3D subtomogram ctf file is mirrored
compared with the power spectrum calculated from the subtomograms (see
attachment, left: ctf, right: power spectrum of the same subtomogram ).
Does this really mean that the ctf files are applied a wrong sign or just
display difference in different software packages.  I reconstructed my
tomogram with IMOD, then everything was done in relion just following the


Qiang (John) Guo
Department of Molecular Structural Biology
Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry
Am Klopferspitz 18
82152 Martinsried
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