


It looks like you've got the Windows environment variable "MOSDIR" set to "E:\" when running CCP4i - I have no idea how that would happen; it's normally set to something like C:\MOSDIR. If you haven't got an E:\ drive that would be the root of your problem...

Have a look in the list of Windows environment variables - I haven't done this since my XP days, but you should be able to find it by looking at the advanced system settings, were there should be a button to give you a list of environment variables.

Since I'm not familiar with ccp4i on W7 I can't say much more. 

On 19 Jan 2017, at 03:40, Jiang Xu wrote:

Hi, Mr/Ms,
   I am a user of CCP4i. I recently discovered that imosflm cannot be used on my win7. the error message is shown below.
  However, when I go to 'bin' folder and double click the imosflm.bat, the program can be start up successfully. I don't know what's the problem. 
    Thank you!
Jiang Xu
Department of Molecular and Computational Biology
University of Southern California

Dr Harry Powell
Chairman of International Union of Crystallography Commission on Crystallographic Computing
Chairman of European Crystallographic Association SIG9 (Crystallographic Computing)