At Dispatches from the Poetry Wars since the New Year (all pieces linked from front page)

 --For Martin Luther King, collage by Julie Patton

--OBU Manifesto #1 (first of sixteen mystery parts to be weekly released over coming months)

--Preface to Kent Johnson’s Homage to the Pseudo Avant-Garde, by Michael Boughn

--PEN America Writers Resist: #Louder Together Rally

--How Close to Death Love Leads Us (for David Meltzer), by Julien Poirier

--Ammiel Alcalay on David Meltzer

--Annie Finch to Dispatches on Pablo Neruda and rape

--The Big Neruda Problem, by Kent Johnson

--Protestant Mean Streak, exclusive to Dispatches, by Ed Sanders

--Ongoing releases in our Bumper box of zingers from Abhorrences, by Ed Dorn

And much else, with more to come…

Dispatches from the Poetry Wars: Your free Poetry Meth dispensary, 24 hours, seven days a week