Talisman: A Journal of Poetry and Poetics has a new issue #45--2017 online at http://www.talismanmag.net with a Basil King section and the characteristic Talisman array of interesting poetry and essays. Burt Kimmelman did a great job of editing for publisher/editor Ed Foster a section on my work which, besides including a 34 poem series ("Not Even Rabbits Go Down This Hole (preverbs)") and seven axial drawings from the Dakini-Duende Series (2016), has an intro by Burt and eleven essays/statements on my work by Vyt Bakaitis, William Benton, Edward S. Casey, Andrew Joron, Robert Kelly, Burt Kimmelman,  Kimberly Lyons, Murat Nemet-Nejat,  Carter Ratcliff, Gary Shapiro and Charles Stein. (Talisman House is also the publisher of one of the three volumes of preverbs out last year: "The Daimon of the Moment (preverbs)".)

Harriet Blog featured a short presentation of the Talisman section at https://www.poetryfoundation.org/harriet/2017/01/talisman-features-special-section-on-george-quasha/.

I'm especially impressed by, and grateful for, the variety of careful approaches to discussing the poetics of "preverbs" and other work (discussions of "axial stones" and "Ainu Dreams" as well).


George Quasha
124 Station Hill Road
Barrytown, NY 12507

845-758-5291 (home)
914-474-5610 (cell)
