

Dear BoB admin, 

Embedding BoB videos in your VLEs couldn’t be easier, and we’ve just produced a BoB video tutorial to show you how. Please be sure to share this with your academic staff so they can make the most out of the new functionality. You can find it with all our other video tutorials, here:

BoB promo material
We’d like to remind you to get any BoB promotional material directly from us. Please ensure you’re using material with the new URL and the new branding.

We have a number of different images and a digital sign that you can download from our website. You can use these on your VLEs, websites and social media. Please don’t alter the images. 

We can also provide you with posters and postcards to display in your libraries. To request printed material email [log in to unmask], and to download the digital images, visit:

A number of users haven’t yet verified themselves on the new system. We’d like to ask you to remind your users to check they’ve verified their email addresses.

We require verification to ensure each user gets the best possible experience from the site, and so we can respond to their enquiries. If any users remain unverified and password details change, we won’t be able to migrate their content should the need arise in the future. 

Using transcripts in your search
We’ve further enhanced the BoB search, to give you even more precise results. Try clicking the ‘exclude transcripts’ option under the search bar to limit the amount of data your search is applied to. This will throw up far less results, and can be very useful if you’re looking for something specific. Alternatively, leave it unchecked if you need to run a much wider search. 

Thank you

The BoB Team