

Dear Colleague please help circulate the following call. Regards 

The AISB2017 AI & Games Symposium acts as a meeting place for researchers and practitioners from academia, education and industry who are involved with the design, development and evaluation of AI in the context of games.

Deadline for all submissions :  Friday 14th  February 2017

19th -21st April 2017, at the University of Bath, UK

Computer games now form an important sector of the computing and entertainment industries, but the need for better artificial intelligence in games is deeply felt and recognised by the industry. Conversely, games offer new challenges and excellent application domains for AI technology and research. Games are increasingly used for education, serious games or game-based learning, where AI techniques can create a believable, engaging experience for learners. The AI & Games Symposium focuses on the application of artificial intelligence techniques, frameworks and theories to the creation of engaging intelligent games, and will address the following areas of research and practice:

Papers connecting games to all areas of computational intelligence and traditional AI are considered.


We invite submissions of the following kinds:

  • Extended Abstracts (2-4 pages)
  • Short papers (4-6 pages)
  • Posters (one slide, and one page for the proceedings)
  • Demonstrations (2 pages description of what is going to be demonstrated)
  • Tutorials (max 2 pages description of planned tutorial content)
Submissions will be via the easychair website at:


Professor Daniela M. Romano Ph.D. MSc MBCS, MWES, MCIM
  Editor International Journal  of Serious Games (IJSG) - AI and Games Area
REF Leader & Director of Creative Virtual Reality Lab