

Hi all,

ECU have reminded me that their materials should not be circulated beyond subscribers (I should know better!). Therefore please can I ask that you respect the copyright on the ECU handout from the Good Relations Training Pack materials that I sent on Friday. If you are not a subscriber, I hope that the one handout I circulated serves as a good taster of the excellent materials in the rest of the pack!

Can I also give a nudge to my request below to share any materials or approaches that you have adopted?



Chris Hall
Head of Equality and Diversity

Eric Wood Building, First Floor, Room 1.09
Leicester LE1 9BH. T: +44 (0) 116 2506436
E: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>  W:

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From: Chris Hall - POD
Sent: 27 January 2017 14:26
To: 'HEEON equal opportunities list'
Subject: Managing good relations in the classroom

Hi all,

Have any you developed materials or approaches to support teaching staff be more comfortable with addressing good relations?

You will be familiar with students self-segregating in a variety of environments and situations. There is much debate about the value or even legitimacy of safe space provision, but at DMU, we want to encourage our students learning from one another - not only to break down barriers and build understanding between different cultures, genders and racial groups etc, but also to add to the students learning experience and better equip them as global citizens. For me, the place the university should encourage integration is in the formal learning environments of lectures and seminars.

However, I think it is fair to say that some of our academics struggle with how to mix students up - partially because they are afraid of using the wrong language, partially because they feel the students themselves may be resistant to it. Anecdotally I have also heard of some incidents that reflect some of the scenarios in ECU's training pack on good relations (attached) - although these have been around student to student behaviour. This really is therefore a wider debate around managing good relations.

We have formal pedagogical approaches that we adopt, which with proper planning can help with self-segregation, - but I'd like to support our staff develop skills to tackle issues as and when they arise.

Any suggestions you have are greatly received, (either to the list or to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>)

Thanks and have a nice weekend,


Chris Hall
Head of Equality and Diversity

Eric Wood Building, First Floor, Room 1.09
Leicester LE1 9BH. T: +44 (0) 116 2506436
E: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>  W:

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