

I’ve committed a first version of files for CMake. Currently it doesn’t do MATLAB yet. I also have a problem with compiling the STIR registries. Aside from that, it all works :-;


It assumes that you have installed ismrmrd and STIR first.


Note that this is supposed to be driven from the SIRF repo with iUtilities, xSTIR and xGadgetron as subfolders (can be done via submodules but I haven’t done that yet. Locally I just use a symbolic link. Something like


git clone https://github.com/CCPPETMR/SIRF.git


ln -s ../iUtitilies

ln -s ../xGadgetron

ln -s ../xSTIR


This should not affect anybody yet, except that I had to change pgadgetron.i (and Makefile and pGadgetron.vcxproj) to allow an out-of-source build. See commit


Those commits are still only on the demo-devel branch of xGadgetron.


Feel free to experiment.
