Postdoctoral positions in neuroscience of social decision making
University of Zurich, Switzerland

The Laboratory for Social and Neural Systems Research (Group Leaders: E. Fehr, T. Hare, C. Ruff, K. E. Stephan, P. Tobler) at the University of Zurich invites applications for two postdoctoral researcher positions in the context of a project funded by the European Research Council (ERC). The successful candidates will work with Prof. Christian Ruff and other SNS Lab researchers on the neural basis of human social decision making, using cutting-edge multimodal neuroimaging and brain stimulation techniques.

The SNS Lab is a research center at the University of Zurich that investigates the principles underlying social and neuronal systems ( Funded through a generous donation by the Branco Weiss Foundation, this laboratory was established as a highly interdisciplinary institution, bringing together scientists from the social and natural sciences (incl. neuroscience, economics, psychology, computer science, and physics). SNS researchers study mechanistic links between neuronal circuits, human behavior and social interactions, using a combination of brain imaging methods, neuro-modulation techniques (brain stimulation and neuropharmacology), behavioral experiments and computational approaches. A single custom-built unit hosts multiple state-of-the-art facilities that are fully dedicated to research. These facilities include a Philips Achieva 3T MRI scanner as well as laboratories for transcranial magnetic and electric stimulation, psychophysics, behavioral group studies, peripheral and autonomic neurophysiology and pharmacology. Additionally, we have access to a 7T high-field human MRI facility.

Candidates should hold (or expect) a good PhD degree in a relevant discipline (e.g., psychology, neuroscience, economics, computer science, or physics) and have published work using human neuroscience methods (in particular fMRI, EEG, TMS and/or tDCS). An interest in computational modelling of behavior and/or neural data would be advantageous. Both junior and senior postdoctoral researchers are invited to apply. The position is available immediately and for a duration of several years (yearly rolling renewal). Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled.

Applications should be sent electronically and include a CV (incl. full publication list), copies of all relevant degrees, a statement of interest, and the names and email addresses of two referees. Please send these materials to [log in to unmask] with “postdoc social decision making” in the email subject line.

Contact address
Prof. Dr. Christian Ruff
E-mail: [log in to unmask] (for informal inquiries)
E-mail: [log in to unmask] (for applications)