Hi Colin,

Could you give it a try with PALM?

All the best,


On 23 December 2016 at 14:42, Colin Hawco <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

I have a college who is working on some 2D data from a retinorpic map. He was attempting to adopt randomise to run on the data, which he converted to  4d NIFTI file. Unfortunately randomise does not seem to work on data in which the Z dimension is size 1.


Is there a solution to this? Here are his commands and errors:


Trying to run randomise on a 2D surface (128 x 512 pixels). 52 Subjects (31 controls, 21 patients).


nifti shape 128 x 512 x 1 x 52



array([  4, 128, 512,   1,  52,   1,   1,   1], dtype=int16)



randomise -i output/GCL/4d.nii -o output/GCL/randomise/GCL_ -d data/glm_model.mat -t data/glm_model.con -T also randomise -i output/GCL/4d.nii -o output/GCL/randomise/GCL_ -d data/glm_model.mat -t data/glm_model.con -T2



Critical Value for: output/GCL/randomise/GCL__tfce_corrp_tstat1 is: 0

1.91992e+14 permutations required for exhaustive test of t-test 2 Doing 5000 random permutations Starting permutation 1 (Unpermuted data)

ERROR: Program failed


An exception has been thrown

Error: tfce currently requires an input with at least 3 voxels extent into each dimension.



Colin Hawco, PhD

Neuranalysis Consulting

Neuroimaging analysis and consultation


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