

Hi Peter,

I have been struggling with this same issue. Do you have a solution by chance?

best wishes


Dr Kathryn Broadhouse | Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Regenerative Neuroscience Group
Brain and Mind Centre
The University of Sydney
Level 4 Building K | 94 Mallett St Camperdown | NSW | 2050

From: FSL - FMRIB's Software Library [[log in to unmask]] on behalf of Parzer, Peter [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2016 2:07 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [FSL] fix error No valid labelling file specified


I have been using fix1.06 for some time now without any problems, but since an update of R from 3.3.1 to 3.3.2 fix is failing with the error message "No valid labelling file specified". The tail of fix_2b_predict.log is:

> for(indx in c(1:6)) {
+       # SVM
+       eval(parse(text = paste("svm.rbf.prd",indx," <- attributes(predict(svm.rbf",indx,",",indx,", probability=T))$probabilities[,2]", sep = "")))
+       eval(parse(text = paste("svm.lin.prd",indx," <- attributes(predict(svm.lin",indx,",",indx,", probability=T))$probabilities[,2]", sep = "")))
+       eval(parse(text = paste("svm.pol.prd",indx," <- attributes(predict(svm.pol",indx,",",indx,", probability=T))$probabilities[,2]", sep = "")))
+       # Tree
+         eval(parse(text = paste("ctree", indx, " = ctree", indx, "@update()", sep = "")))
+       eval(parse(text = paste("ctree.prd.test",indx," <- treeresponse(ctree",indx,", newdata =",indx,")", sep = "")))
+       eval(parse(text = paste("ctree.prob.test",indx," <- c(1:length(ctree.prd.test",indx,"))", sep = "")))
+       eval(parse(text = paste("for(i in c(1:length(ctree.prob.test",indx,"))){ctree.prob.test",indx,"[i] <- ctree.prd.test",indx,"[[i]][2]}", sep = "")))
+       # KNN
+       eval(parse(text = paste("tmp <- knn(",indx,"[,-dim(",indx,")[2]],",indx,",",indx,"[,dim(",indx,")[2]], k = k.knn, prob = T)", sep = "")))
+       eval(parse(text = paste("knn.test",indx," <- attributes(tmp)", sep = "")))
+       eval(parse(text = paste("knn.test",indx,"$prob[tmp==0] <- 1-knn.test",indx,"$prob[tmp==0]", sep = "")))
+ }
Error in ctreefit(object = object, controls = controls, weights = weights,  :
  no slot of name "remove_weights" for this object of class "TreeGrowControl"
Calls: eval -> eval -> <Anonymous> -> ctreefit -> .Call
Execution halted