

Apologies for cross-posting



Editors: Hannah Rothstein and Ian Schrier


Guest Editors:

Suzy Paisley

School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR), University of Sheffield (
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Margaret Foster

Libraries, Texas A&M University ([log in to unmask])

Deadline for submissions: 28th February 2017

The editors and guest editors of Research Synthesis Methods invite
submissions for a special issue on information retrieval methods.

Background to special issue

Information retrieval methods for evidence synthesis face a number of
challenges resulting from the environment within which evidence synthesis
studies are undertaken and from the latest developments in information
technology. Evidence based practice is being adopted in an ever widening
scope of fields including public health, veterinary medicine, education,
social care and criminal justice. Review questions are wide-ranging and
increasingly complex. Decision makers require timely access to evidence
that is fit for the purpose of decision-making and that addresses a range
of issues beyond ‘does this intervention work?’ The definition of evidence
is increasingly varied in design, format and location. The portfolio of
evidence synthesis methods has grown and diversified beyond systematic
reviews of structured, focussed questions to encompass different approaches
to quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods evidence synthesis. In the
wider context, advancements in information technology are transforming the
ways in which information is organised and accessed. Harnessing these
developments provides both challenging and exciting opportunities for
information retrieval methods. All of these factors have implications for
the methods by which we search for, retrieve and curate the evidence-base
for evidence synthesis studies.

Objectives of special issue

To advance information retrieval methods to address the challenges of
searching in increasingly complex evidence synthesis and information
landscapes. To introduce researchers and practitioners to the latest
innovative methods and practice in information retrieval for evidence

Scope of papers (including but not limited to):

●     Searching for evidence on complex topics

●     Different evidence synthesis types (e.g. qualitative synthesis,
Bayesian synthesis, decision-analytic models)

●     Different review types (e.g. rapid reviews, mapping reviews)

●     Complex search environment and evidence formats (e.g. grey
literature, scattered information, web-searching, identifying datasets and
other non-standard information formats)

●     Searching in different fields (e.g. public health, veterinary
medicine, education, social care and criminal justice)

●     Harnessing advances in information technology (e.g. text mining,
living systematic reviews)

●     Efficient searching

●     Assessing the quality of searching (e.g. alternatives measures to

●     Managing and reporting the search process (e.g. data management of
the search process)

Case studies that are restricted to a single application of an innovative
approach should demonstrate how they relate to the broader advancement of
information retrieval methods for evidence synthesis.

Deadline for submissions

The deadline for papers to be considered for this special issue is 28
February 2017. All papers will undergo the standard masked peer review and
must meet the standards of the RSM Editorial Policy Statement:

Potential authors may contact the guest editors for more details.

Yours truly

Suzy Paisley and Margaret Foster

Guest Editors

Suzy Paisley

ScHARR (School of Health and Related Research), University of Sheffield

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Margaret Foster

Libraries, Texas A&M University

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