Hi Suzanne, 

Nothing better than playing PS4 games on a large screen! Eye screen technology does not enable one to become L33T! Theres some really good foot controller technology coming around the corner. Have a look at this article. Unfortunately they are still in late stages of development. Might be worth checking with John Hopkins University as they are due for release soon. However, I would imagine they will be expensive! It was interesting to see how many people polled thought they were playing against someone without any kinds of adaptations - the percentages were high. 

Controllers can also be customized but I worry that the lack of available digits may put him at a disadvantage. Others may know more. Binding macros to keypads with a rollerball may work but seems to be reducing efficiency. 

If he can bind some controls to his D-Pad and sensor pad he might have a semi serviceable device depending on the game but possibly a little clumsy. 

Some PS4 games allow smartphone integration so possibly using the haptic technology of the phone will enable greater immersion. However, there aren't many games like this at the moment. 

I am not an OT so hopefully you may receive some more serviceable advice.  I would also be interested to know! Just throwing some ideas out there! I really hope you can help Suzanne I need some more players for my OverWatch team!

Best of luck!

John Hodgson
Study Needs Assessor 

From: A discussion list for Assistive Technology professionals. <[log in to unmask]> on behalf of Suzanne Squire <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: 08 December 2016 09:11
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: new member and PS4
Sorry I have just realised I could put a message straight on the website, sorry to email everyone on the list ! :)
Good morning all.

I would like to introduce myself. I am a new team member with Alan Woodcocks team in North Thames Regional environmental control servcice. I have many years under my belt as an OT but very little in terms of technology so this is a new and very exciting time in my career. However I do have many questions so if I ask obvious questions I apologise now.

May I gain some advice regarding a young client I have with muscular dystrophy, apart from his first and second digit on his right hand he has no hand function, he is able to move his head well. This young man would like to use his playstation 4 to play FIFA. I talked with him regarding eye gaze software for his laptop if he joined the playstation store on line and then downloaded games to his lap top but very unsure how much control he could have with his eyes for football. Howver he was not that keen and wants to play on his Large TV screen (who can blame him) So in terms of how this ould be possible has anyone had any ideas etc.  I am going to look up special effects website that Alan has suggested but any help would be much appreciated.

Many thanks
Specialist Occupational Therapist
North Thames Regional Environmental Control Equipment Service
Alderbourne Unit
Hillingdon Hospital
Pield Heath Road,
Uxbridge UB8 3NN
Tel: 01895 279 158 
Fax: 01895 279 737