

It’s one week until the next RSS Glasgow local group event. With no regard for the Christmas spirit, Prof David Hand will explain the unsentimental mathematical laws behinds apparent miracles and coincidences. Afterwards we’ll try to repair the damage with mince pies and drink. Prof Hand’s talk will be briefly preceded by our AGM, which will include the opportunity to join the local group committee. Full details and link below. 

Seasons greetings,
RSS Glasgow Local Group committee 
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Wednesday 14th December - The Improbability Principle: Why Coincidences, Miracles, and Rare Events Happen Every Day
	• Speaker: Professor David Hand, Imperial College London
	• Time: 17:30-18:30. Preceded briefly by RSS Glasgow Group AGM, and followed by drinks and mince pies.
	• Place: Room LT908, Livingstone Tower, University of Strathclyde, G1 1HX.
	• Summary: Coincidences happen, incredibly unlikely things occur, and the apparently miraculous comes about. The improbability principle says that extraordinarily improbable events are commonplace. It shows that this is not a contradiction, but that we should expect identical lottery numbers to come up, lightning to strike twice, to meet strangers with our name, financial crashes to occur, and ESP experiments to produce positive results. All of these and more are straightforward consequences of the five solid mathematical laws constituting the improbability principle.
	• Twitter: Join the discussion and post questions using the hashtag #RSSGlaMiracles
	• Registration: Please register at

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