


Call for Papers


50th Anniversary Conference of the Social Policy Association


Durham University, Monday 10th to Wednesday 12th July, 2017


Submit an Abstract or Proposal for a Symposium: Please note that this year, once again, we will be using the Easychair conference system for abstract submissions.  The Easychair website for the SPA 2017 conference is where you will be asked to register with a valid email address and a password. 


The final deadline for submissions will be Tuesday 28th February 2017.  Keynote speakers to include Wolfgang Streeck and Saskia Sassen.


Conference Title: Social Inequalities: Research, Theory, and Policy


In this the 50th year of the Social Policy Association we are drawing upon the ongoing analysis, challenges and opportunities for social policy research and education. At a time when income inequality is rising in most countries, and differences between countries remain huge, the social significance of these inequalities is of fundamental importance to societies and therefore research. We welcome proposals for papers and symposia which address this topic through the themes below and consider these with reference to teaching and research.



Monday 10th July, 50th Anniversary AGM, Awards and Drinks Reception at Durham Castle sponsored by Policy Press



Tuesday 11th July, 50th Anniversary Dinner and Local Entertainment, Beamish Museum.