Joint Assembly 2017 - Liverpool




4-6th January 2017



The Joint Assembly of the Tectonic Study Group (TSG), the Volcanic and Magmatic (VMSG) and the British Geophysical Association (BGA) Local Organising Committee kindly remind you that this is the last chance to register for the conference and contribute to the exciting 3-day multi-disciplinary scientific programme


Register before midnight on Saturday November 5th HERE with discount for members of the geological Society, Royal Astronomical Society and Mineralogical Society.


Submit your abstract following the guidelines HERE until the same time. Unfortunately late submissions cannot be accepted. We particularly invite early career scientists to contribute to the scientific programme and will welcome presentations that represent Research in Progress. 


The Joint Assembly will consist of cross-disciplinary and focused symposia to encourage integration and collaboration across study groups – A full session list including keynote speakers is below and is available with descriptions HERE.


We look forward to welcome you all in Liverpool, the perfect, vibrant location for this exciting new joint venture! For more details, including workshop programme, social events, area, hotel and restaurant guides, details of our crèche facilities, and photo and cake competitions, see our website at


Any queries, contact [log in to unmask]


Follow us on twitter @Geoliv2017 and our facebook group "Joint Assembly".

Session list:



The Scientific programme includes the following Keynote speakers:

(Plus more to be confirmed, and invited contributions in selected sessions.)


SESSION 01 - Heterogeneity in the Earth: from micro to macro scale


SESSION 02 - The volatile Earth: The role of liquids and gases in the dynamic solid earth


SESSION 03 - Tectonic and Magmatic Processes during Continental Extensional Tectonics and Rifted Margin Formation


SESSION 04 - Integrative monitoring strategies

Silvio De Angelis, University of Liverpool


SESSION 05 - Jon Davidson Memorial Session: Magma genesis, storage and transport


SESSION 06 - The structure and mechanics of fault zones


SESSION 07 - Geo-resources for an evolving planet


SESSION 08 - Gas, aerosols, ash and the atmosphere


SESSION 09 - Microstructures and deformation


SESSION 10 - Earth's deep interior


SESSION 11 - Physical volcanology


SESSION 12 - Earthquakes, palaeoseismology, and rates of fault slip: from milliseconds to millions of years


SESSION 13 - Volcano seismology and geodesy


SESSION 14 - Rock physics and geomechanics: The brittle-ductile transition


SESSION 15 - Quantifying and modelling natural hazards


SESSION 16 - New frontiers in experimental geosciences


SESSION 17 - Tectonic controls on landscape development and the sedimentary record


SESSION 18 - Geodesy and Remote Sensing: Methodologies and applications