Dear colleagues,


Abstract submission for EGU2017 is now open, and we'd like to invite you to submit an abstract to:

ERE4.1/EMRP4.15/HS11.6/TS2.5  Mechanics and flows in shale rocks: properties and processes


In this session, we invite field, experimental, or modeling contributions that address the following key challenges: (1) Integrated analyses of shale samples coming from boreholes or from outcrops; (2) Determination of the mechanical stratification and anisotropy in shale reservoirs and its correlation with mineralogical composition and other petrophysical properties; (3) Upscaling of structural and stress-induced anisotropy of mechanical parameters of shale rocks; (4) Characteristics of mechanical and structural barriers and drivers for hydraulic fracture propagation; (5) Stress state in shale formations and its response to stimulation treatment; (6) Transport phenomena from nanopore diffusion, leakage through micropores and microfractures, up to flow in propped fractures; (7) the CO2 behavior in shale reservoirs.


We are happy to announce that the session will feature an invited presentation by Prof. Mark Zoback (Stanford University).


Deadline for financial support: 1 December

Abstract deadline: 11 January


We hope to see you in Vienna!

Marek Jarosinski, Anne Pluymakers and Francois Renard


Anne Pluymakers

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PGP, University of Oslo

postboks 1048, Blindern

0316 Oslo, Norway


FV434; +47 22856444