

Dear Matthew,

this is much clearer now, thank you very much for this.

Kind regards,


From: FSL - FMRIB's Software Library <[log in to unmask]> on behalf of Matthew Webster <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: 24 November 2016 16:21:55
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [FSL] thr, thrp and thrP commands
Hello Bianca,
                        -thr zeroes all voxels with an intensity below that of the threshold, e.g.

-thr 100

zeroes all voxels with a value below 100

-thrp calculates an intensity based on a percentage of the robust range ( essentially the 2%-98% range ) and zeroes all voxels with an intensity below that threshold


-thrp 40

zeroes all voxel with a value below 40% of the robust range

-thrP calculates an intensity based on a percentage of the robust range of the non-zero voxels ( essentially the 2%-98% range ) and zeroes all voxels with an intensity below that threshold


-thrp 40

zeroes all voxel with a value below 40% of the robust range of the non-zero voxels

In general, -thr is most useful when wanting to apply some absolute criteria to an image - e.g. thresholding a p-value image, while the percentile options are more useful for relative operations - e.g. removing the lowest 10% of voxels.

Hope this helps,
Kind Regards

Dr Matthew Webster
FMRIB Centre
John Radcliffe Hospital
University of Oxford

> On 22 Nov 2016, at 21:46, Bianca De Blasi <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Dear experts,
> could you please clarify on the fslmaths options: -thr, -thrp and -thrP. What is the difference between them and what are the cases in which one is preferred from the others?
> Sorry for this basic question but I could not find any example online.
> Thank you,
> Kind regards,
> Bianca