

Dear all,
I m running FSL Nets for 3 groups (My design matrix is appropriate to reflect two groups at a time using two sample t test, however ICA was run on all three groups concatenated).
In FSL Nets we input the design matrix only at the level of GLM

[p_uncorrected,p_corrected]=nets_glm(netmats3,'/NEW_c1c3.mat','NEW_c1c3.con',1);  % returns matrices of 1-p

However the outputs are saved in p_corrected and p_uncorrected only. 

The problem is; boxplots doesnt take any of the inputs of glm output


So obviously my netmats3 was calculated before inputting GLM and it has to remain same for all groups. Now for me the problem is how do I test the different set of subjects be defining it in the GLM only ?

Can someone please help ?
