Hi - are you sure you have 90 file names in allseeds.txt ? 

You can check by typing in a terminal  “cat allseeds.txt | wc -w”


On 15 Nov 2016, at 18:38, Xiangyu Long <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Dear FSL experts,

I was using probtrackx2 to perform the AAL ROIs-based connectome analysis using DTI data. I converted 90 AAL ROIs to the native space and stored in the "allseeds.txt", then run the following command:

probtrackx2 --samples=./bed.bedpostX/merged \
--mask=./bed.bedpostX/nodif_brain_mask --seed=./allseeds.txt \
--loopcheck --forcedir --network --omatrix1 \
-P 5000 -V 1 --dir=./network

However, the output "fdt_network_matrix" was a 89 x 89 matrix, not a 90 x 90 matrix. Would you please help about this issue? Thank you for your time!
