

I am looking for a table of sort listing net benefits for various health interventions in primary and secondary setting ( and ideally by different organizations). Would appreciate if someone can send it to me/the group?
Also, does anyone know definition of the USPSTF of "substantial net benefits"?
In terms of statin use for primary prevention, editorial by Drs. Redberg and Katz states: "
"The task force evidence report estimated an absolute benefit for use of statins of 0.40% for all-cause mortality and 0.43% for cardiovascular mortality ..."
( which roughly converts into NNT~ 250)
This is about 4-5 times better than net benefit for screening mammography in women younger than 50. 

In other words, how do different people /organizations define "substantial" vs. "moderate" vs. "small" (net) benefits?
Many thanks
Ben Djulbegovic 

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( please excuse typos & brevity)

On Nov 14, 2016, at 6:51 AM, Juan Gérvas <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Yes. Statin Use for the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in AdultsUS Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement
żEstatinas para prevención primaria? Como siempre, debate intenso pero con débiles datos. Proceda con precaución.
Be aware. Statins for Primary PreventionThe Debate Is Intense, but the Data Are Weak. As usual. Proceed with caution.
-un saludo juan gérvas @JuanGrvas  MD, PhD, retired rural GP, visiting professor National School of Public Health (Dep of International Health, Madrid-Spain), visiting professor (1991-2003) Johns Hopkins School of Public Health (Dep of Health Policy and Management, Baltimore-USA)