

Dear friends

I have been invited by the journal Social Inclusion to edit a special issue on disability equality in 2017. I would like to know if you would be interested in submitting an abstract, or in helping with the editing process.

I would like to take this opportunity if there are authors from our international networks who would like to contribute to it (I realise we can't fill it with Leeds authors only :)).

Social Inclusion has the benefit of being both a full open access journal and a fully indexed journal, with an international editorial board. I should note that there is a cost for publishing in full open access (800 euros) but there are also some exemptions.

*         Institutions in Cogitatio's Membership Program can publish free of charge

*         Some universities provide funds for article processing charges

*         Some research funders allow for this cost in project budgets

*         Authors in financial need can ask at the time of submission

Further details about the journal are here:

Best wishes,

Professor Mark Priestley
University of Leeds

[Outlook signature file]

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