

Subject: Citizen participation in health: critical perspectives – 24th November

Speaker: Dr Eleftheria Lekakis, Lecturer in Media and Communication, Sussex University

Date: Thursday 24th November 4-5pm followed by wine and nibbles

‘The Politics of Consumption as a Form of Participation: Media Activism and Creative Tactics’

The talk addresses some of the key debates around the politics of consumption: can consumption be a form of political participation? Under which conditions does consumer activism flourish? Does consumer citizenship foster a revised version of citizenship which can engage the disengaged? Specifically, the discussion will elaborate on the salience of the phenomenon of political consumerism (Micheletti, 2003; Stolle and Micheletti, 2013; Lekakis, 2013) and explore it through a variety of case studies in the contemporary context of Europe.
King’s College London, Guy’s Campus, Addison House, 7th Floor Seminar Room

Everyone is welcome. Places are limited – to sign up please email: Alicia ([log in to unmask])
Citizen participation in health: critical perspectives
Seminar Series
Co-hosted by King’s College London and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
The seminar series brings together social science expertise to reflect critically on policy and practice of citizen participation in health systems. It draws on critical conceptual framings of participation and in-depth empirical work from the UK and elsewhere. The series aims to focus particularly on the political economy of patient participation in the NHS, the construction of neoliberal patient-professional roles, the emergence of new spaces of citizen engagement in response to the marketization of health, and the relevance of global social movements and health activism to contemporary health systems.
The group is supported by the King’s Interdisciplinary Social Science Doctoral Training Centre.
For more information please contact the conveners: Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou ([log in to unmask]) or Alicia Renedo ([log in to unmask]), or visit
Dr Alicia Renedo
Assistant Professor
Department of Social & Environmental Health Research
Faculty of Public Health & Policy
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
15-17 Tavistock Place
London WC1H 9SH
Phone: 020 7927 2074

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