Dear archaeobotanists and archaeologists members of the EAA-European Association of Archaeologists,

We get in contact with you because we have the intention of creating a Community inside the European Association of Archaeologists. The Communities are groups sharing common interest, created  top-down or bottom-up for a renewable period, which organise session or round table at each EAA conference.  The aim of the Communities will be create networks, meet in between conferences, have a recognizable list of members, reports and address proposals do the Executive Board and actively produce EAA polices.

Our proposal of name for our community is “Community of Research on Wild Plant Resources” and the acronym proposed is ARCHWILD. Other proposals or modifications to be made on the precedent are welcome. The creation of this Community will bring us the possibility of claim attention to archaeobotany namely to the procurement, use and consumption of wild plant resources including resins, lichens, fruits, seeds, fibres, wood and charcoal among others.

The requisite to make part of the ARCHWILD Community is being an EAA member. Our purpose is to start quickly and begin with a specific session on the Meeting that will be held in Maastricht during 2017 September. If you are interested in participating let us know as soon as possible replying to this e-mail.

Please share this information with those who may be interested in participating.

All best wishes,

María Martín-Seijo and Raquel Piqué i Huerta

María Martín Seijo, PhD
Posdoctoral Fellow

GEPN-AAT / Grupo de Estudios para a Prehistoria do Noroeste Ibérico-Arqueoloxía, Antigüidade e Territorio
Dep. Historia I. Facultade de Xeografía e Historia.USC
Praza da Universidade s/n
Santiago de Compostela
+34 660 249 637