

Appologies for crossposting! Call for participation:

Experimental and Sensory Methods in Critical Affective Research

International Society for Ethnology and Folklore bi-annual congress, March
23-26 2017, Göttingen.


*- Judith Albrecht (Frei University Berlin) [log in to unmask]
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*- Omar Kasmani (Affective Societies, Frei University Berlin)
[log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>*

*- Anton Nikolotov (Berlin Graduate School of Muslim Cultures and

*[log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>*

*- Manja Stephan-Emmrich (Humboldt University Berlin)*

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The aim of the workshop is to highlight the analytical apertures that
experimental and sensory methods, or rather concepts, tactics and
strategies have to offer to ethnographic research and, specifically, to the
study of affect. Following the core interests of this conference, we are
interested to explore how affective scholarship (visual, auditory or
synaesthetic) can be enriched by experimental meditation of sensorial
encounters, affects, belongings as well as the experience of difference and
sameness in fieldwork.

At least since the early 2000s voices in socio-cultural anthropology have
identified and called for important shifts in the modes of ethnographic
practice making it a much more collective and collaborative endeavour of
public criticism, interventions and future orientated speculations
(Estalella and Sanchez-Criado 2017; Ingold 2014;  Holmes and Marcus 2008
a,b Marcus 2013;). If much of the discourse of the 1980s and 1990s focused
on the politics of representation and critiques of positivism in academic
texts, the current, emerging post-Writing-Culture moment is much more
concerned with the encounters, relations and epistemologies in fieldwork
that complicate the boundaries between the researcher and the researched.
Such emerging research practices push disciplinary limits and question
epistemological foundations of knowledge production. Starting from here, we
wish to critically examine the relations between different experimental
research methods, tactics, and strategies as well as the research ecologies
they produce, considering also the impact of various media and

The workshop further inquires how experiential and sensory-focused research
can contribute or hinder forms of ethico-political engagements with the
subjects in the field and allow or limit novel forms of affective relations
and representations.

Deadline: November 7th.

To submit a proposal to the panel please follow the link:


Estalella, A., and Sánchez Criado, (forthcoming) T. Book | Experimental
Collaborations.,  2016.
Holmes, D.R., and Marcus, G.E. (2007). Cultures of Expertise and the
Management of Globalization: Toward the Re-Functioning of Ethnography. In
Global Assemblages, A. Ong, and S.J. Collier, eds. (Blackwell Publishing
Ltd), pp. 235–252.
Holmes, D.R., and Marcus, G.E. (2010). Collaboration Today and the
Re-Imagination of the Classic Scene of Fieldwork Encounter. Collaborative
Anthropologies *1*, 81–101.
Ingold, T. (2014). That’s enough about ethnography! HAU: Journal of
Ethnographic Theory *4*, 383–395.

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