

Dear list members,

Dr Hannah Brown (Durham University)<> and Prof Eric Fevre (University of Liverpool)<> are interested in working with UK or EU based students who wish to undertake a PhD on social science dimensions of human-animal disease or veterinary medicine in Kenya, or who are interested in combining anthropological methods and veterinary science in a PhD project. We will support prospective candidates to apply to the ESRC North East and Northern Ireland (NINE) Cross Council Interdisciplinary studentships scheme (Scheme soon to be announced. Deadline for applications expected 11th January 2017). Students would be based at Durham but supervised across the two institutions. They would carry out fieldwork in Kenya where they would be able work collaboratively with the International Livestock Research Institute and other relevant Kenyan partners. See and<> for more information about our ongoing research projects. Please get in touch with us with a CV and indication of a potential PhD topic if you are interested.

Prospective applicants will need to develop their own research proposal. Potential topics may include (but are not limited to): urban farming; nutrition and food supply; livestock and meat economies; human relations with wild animals; animal care, surveillance or medicine; perceptions of risk in food systems. Applicants can apply through the scheme for +3 awards (if they already have a recognised ESRC Masters degree) +3.5 awards (other Masters degree) or 1+3 awards (Masters plus PhD).

Kind regards,

Hannah Brown, Ph.D.
Department of Anthropology
Durham University

New publication: Ruth Prince and Hannah Brown (eds.) Volunteer Economies: The politics and ethics of voluntary labour in Africa<>  James Currey, 2016.

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