

Hi Raul,

I wish we could and I asked for it, but it is not possible (yet?). The 
EGI portal displays monthly numbers or in any case cumulative over a 
month so it is not possible to make a daily comparison. Only month 
complete months comparison is reliable.


On 03/10/2016 18:32, RAUL H C LOPES wrote:
> Hi again,
> Is there any way to check the records for one site of daily basis? 
> There is to be the that EGEE site.
> Thanks, raul
> On 03/10/16 17:29, RAUL H C LOPES wrote:
>> Hi Alessandra,
>> I haven't changed anything at Brunel that would explain that 
>> difference. Two weeks ago (Sep 15), I corrected the HS06 in one the 
>> our clusters. However, the correction was minimal. It changed the
>> numbers in in around 5%. It would explain that difference.
>> BTW, I had noticed that Apel numbers  for Brunel for August and 
>> September were unexpected. If you compare with July for example. And 
>> we did have a problem last  year, when Apel simply declared
>> lost one month of our records.
>> Thanks, raul
>> On 03/10/16 17:19, Alessandra Forti wrote:
>>> PS what it is not clear to me mostly is how is it possible that a 
>>> site can move from green to red like RHUL and Brunel for example. 
>>> Did you change anything that may have caused this changes?
>>> On 03/10/2016 18:03, Alessandra Forti wrote:
>>>> Dear all,
>>>> the accounting TF has now a dashboard to compare results from the 
>>>> experiments accounting records with the APEL results.
>>>> This contains all the experiments latest values which are updated 
>>>> each month with the numbers of the previous finished month.
>>>> There is also an historical view these are the UK sites from 
>>>> January until August
>>>> Most UK sites are ok, there are however 3 problematic sites which 
>>>> have RED more often than not UCL, RHUL  and ECDF. Brunel was red in 
>>>> August and September too.
>>>> If you click on each month there is a json file with the numbers 
>>>> for the month contained in the Status field the elements of the 
>>>> array of numbers are: HS06 on the atlas dashboard, HS06 in APEL, 
>>>> ratio, wallclock in ATLAS, wallclock in APEL, wallclock ratio. For 
>>>> example ECDF in August
>>>> Status": "123600,55882,45,11771,4299,37"
>>>> APEL HS06 value 55882 is 45% the ATLAS dashb value 123600
>>>> The APEL wallclock 4299 is 37% of the ATLAS dashb value 11771
>>>> Sometimes the discrepancies are the other way, i.e. APEL much 
>>>> bigger than ATLAS. ATLAS gets the numbers only for the payload, 
>>>> while APEL gets the numbers from the batch system including all the 
>>>> pilot time, so in theory APEL should always be slightly bigger. 
>>>> Whatever the numbers they should be within 15-20% difference once 
>>>> way or the other.
>>>> I've put these pages in the links page
>>>> Let me know if you have any comment. Can UCL, RHUL, ECDF and Brunel 
>>>> help me understand their discrepancies please?
>>>> cheers
>>>> alessandra

Respect is a rational process. \\//
Fatti non foste a viver come bruti (Dante)