I'm not entirely sure what has gone wrong here.  The usual reason for this sort of thing is that the image was moved (reoriented, coregistered etc) after the inv_seg_sn.mat file was created.  This does not seem to be the case here though, as you say that the resulting projected ROI is empty, rather than mis-matched.

Best regards,

On 23 October 2016 at 22:31, Michael Craig <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear all,

I have a set of ROIs defined in MNI space that I am inverse-normalising into the native space of each of my subjects using the parameters derived from segmentation in SPM 8 (inv_seg_sn.mat). This procedure works well for all except for one of my subjects where the resulting ROI is an empty file (i.e. no image). The segmentation has worked well for this subject and when I look at the normalised images, they all match the MNI template very well. I am a bit puzzled as to why I can't put the ROIs back into native space for this one subject given that the segmentation has been successful.

Any thoughts on what might be the problem or suggestions on things to try would be much appreciated.

Best wishes,