

Nordic geographers conference - Stockholm June 18th - 21st 2017

Call for papers

Women in geography: is there a disciplinary glass ceiling?
Research shows small disciplines as geography tend to be homosocial making the career progress of men much smoother than that of women is plentiful (Crang 2003; Trimble 2013; Mott and Roberts 2014; Leslie et al 2015). Men in academia tend to have stronger and wider networks which allow for the placement of early career researchers within their network (Moss-Racusin et al. 2012; Sâdl 2009; Hanson 2000). Set in a backdrop of increasing neoliberal policies at universities, we see an increase in teaching and administrative loads coupled with an ever competitive funding panorama. In this situation, women find it even more challenging to reconcile work and family care (Lund 2015; Gill and Donaghue 2015; Davis and Bansel 2005; Husu 2010)
We wonder: are women in geography victims of this system, does geography remain a male dominated discipline or how have women learnt to bypass these hindrances? And for those who have succeeded, what were the main factors in their successes and finally, what obstacles did they encounter as they navigated their career paths? Which strategies do early career women geographers put in place nowadays to avoid falling trap of the "leaky pipe"?  We will invite to our panel four to five women geographers at different stages of their careers to discuss the lingering inequalities of academic recruitment and advancement in our discipline.

Please submit your 250 words abstracts by December 15th to both conveners
Natasha Webster [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Martina Caretta [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Dr. Martina Angela Caretta
Assistant Professor of Geography, Dept. of Geology and Geography
West Virginia University
98 Beechurst Ave
330 Brooks Hall, Office 349
Morgantown, WV 26506-6300
Ph + 1 304 293 11 07   Fx + 1 304.293.6522