Dear all

Many thanks for your replies so far on and off list, it is much appreciated.

Rachel, the attachment must have been stripped as it does not appear.

Janet, A Cultivated Wolf is indeed one of my key texts; it is even responsible for this dissertation in a way as I purchased it many years ago in French and from then started to collect picturebooks on reading, books and libraries.

It seems however very little has been written about monsters in picture books, apart from relating to fear. 

Many thanks again


On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 2:46 PM, Janet Evans <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear Melanie,
Take a look at A Cultivated Wolf by Pascal Biet - I love it!
Also look at Kerenza Ghosh’s chapter in my book, Challenging and Controversial Picturebooks: Creative and Critical Responses to Visual Texts.(Routledge 2015). Her chapter, Who's afraid of the big bad wolf? Children's responses to the portrayal of wolves in picturebooks, includes a good overview of wolves in children’s literature - picturebooks in particular.
Hope this helps  and  good luck with your work.
Dr Janet Evans

On 3 Oct 2016, at 08:50, Mélanie McGilloway <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Good morning all

As part of my dissertation on images of reading in picturebooks, I am looking at how animals (mainly wolves and bears) and monsters are used as marginalized beings which are transformed by reading and as a result become accepted members of society. However, I am struggling to find anything on the use of such characters in picturebooks as a metaphor for marginalisation. Does anyone of any sources that might help?

Many thanks in anticipation

Best wishes

Mélanie McGilloway
MA Children's Literature Student, Roehampton University
Twitter: @librarymice