

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in theoretical
and computational chemistry in the group of Markus Meuwly at the
Department of Chemistry at the University of Basel, Switzerland.

Candidates should have a Ph.D. in Chemistry, Physics, or related
fields. A strong background in computational/theoretical
chemistry/physics (e.g., statistical mechanics, computer simulation,
electronic structure theory) and programming skills are essential. The
main theme of the project is the investigation of the reaction
dynamics involving small molecules relevant to combustion, atmospheric
chemistry, and astrophysics. Examples include the photodissociation of
sulfuric acid, reactions of oxygen and nitrogen with diatomic
molecules at high temperatures (T > 15000 K), or the formation of
dioxygen under conditions relevant to the interstellar medium. The
initial appointment is for one year with the possibility to renew for
a second year.

Interested candidates should send a letter of intent outlining their
past research and accomplishments and their future
interests, and a C.V. (both as pdf and by e-mail) to
m.meuwly"at", and arrange for at least two letters of
recommendation sent to the same mail address.

Prof. M. Meuwly                       Phone: ++41 61 267 38 21
Department of Chemistry               Fax:   ++41 61 267 38 55  
Klingelbergstr. 80                    Mail:  m.meuwly"at"
CH-4056 Basel               

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