


ALISS (Association of Librarians and Information professionals in the Social Sciences). are pleased to announce an opportunity to visit

The RHS Lindley Library, London 22nd November 2-4pm


This , is the RHS heritage library. Based in Vincent Square  Whose  printed collections focus on the history and development of horticulture (gardening), nomenclature (the naming of plants) and garden design. It  also holds the RHS Archive, Art collection (with a strong focus on botanical art) and Special Collections and Rare books. It is undergoing a period of major change and refurbishment


The visit will involve a  tour of the Library followed by talks on its services and refurbishment, and a view of its Treasures.  The tour will  be around 2 hours long

There is no charge for aliss members

Non members £5

To  reserve a place please contact:

Heather Dawson

ALISS Secretary

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LSE Library

10 Portugal Street
