

It definitely sounds like a mod_rewrite problem, as that's exactly the error you run straight into when it's not enabled.

Often it's down to the .htaccess file being missed off, but if you've copied it in, then it must be elsewhere.  I think installation wizard gained a check for mod_rewrite in a recent) release, but it's only a basic check that might not reveal too much.  Give it a try and see what it says.
Paul Newman
Senior PHP Developer
Learning Technology & Digital Innovation Group, IT Services
Loughborough University

From: Of Yanni Goudeuk
Subject: URL /signin/check/ was not found on this server

I have managed to overcome the mysqli warnings I had during installation but now I get the following error when I try to login to Kitcatalogue.

Not Found
The requested URL /signin/check/ was not found on this server.

I can confirm: 

1. : The rewrite module is present in /etc/httpd/modules and I have enabled it in my "httpd.conf"
by adding this line: LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

2. The .htaccess file is enabled for /var/www/html by changing AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All

3. The .htaccess file located inside the directory where is extracred is copied to /var/www/html
I don't understand what I am doing wrong. I'm stuck at the moment. 
If someone can help me please let me know.

Many thanks 