Dear All


** with apologies for cross-posting **


You are invited to attend this international, interdisciplinary Conference.


VENUE             Birkbeck, 43 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PD

DATES             8-10 December 2016

KEYNOTES       Juliet Mitchell, Laura Mulvey, Jean Owen, Naomi Segal, Naomi Tadmor


In the face of changing family relations in the west, we have moved rather suddenly from one replacement series to another: one or two centuries ago, replacement children were commonplace, as child mortality often led to families naming a baby after a dead sibling; nowadays serial monogamy means that children or adults contend with others both absent and present, whether living or dead. Replacement has effects both across and within generations and signifies both unruly passion and the attrition of passions lost, exchanged or conserved.


The Conference includes 5 keynote talks, 36 shorter papers, an art exhibition and three film-showings: Rebecca (Alfred Hitchcock, 1940), A Secret (Claude Miller, 2007) and 45 Years (Andrew Haigh, 2015).





Any queries to Naomi Segal ([log in to unmask]) or Jean Owen ([log in to unmask]).


See you there!




Professor Naomi Segal

Professorial Fellow in French & German Studies

Dept of Cultures & Languages, School of Arts

Birkbeck, University of London

43 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PD, UK


tel: +44 (0)20 7272 6438

email: [log in to unmask]

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