

Hi Michelle,

I don't quite understand what you are trying to model with this design and contrasts. Could you describe what the experiment and hypotheses are?


All the best,


On 21 October 2016 at 15:54, Michelle VanTieghem <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hi FSL experts,

I have a 2 (between sub) x3(within sub) mixed effects model that I ran using FLAMEO from the command line.

 flameo --cope=all_copes_angry_happy_neutral --varcope=all_varcopes_angry_happy_neutral --mask=mask.nii.gz --dm=design.mat --tc=design.con --cs=design.grp --runmode=flame1

I am trying to perform standard cluster correction (whole-brain) on the resulting zstat images. To my best knowledge, I should use smoothest to calculate the smoothness of the images, and then use cluster to perform the cluster correction.

smoothest -d 140 -r res4d.nii.gz -m mask.nii.gz >> cluster_correction/smoothness_output

cluster -i cluster_correction/zstat5.nii.gz -t 2.3 -o cluster_correction/cluster_zstat5_PI_COMP_H_A_clust -d 0.43451 --volume=234519 -p .05 --othresh=cluster_zstat5_PI_COMP_H_A.nii.gz

However, when I ran that cluster correction for my model, i am getting HUGE clusters that cover half of the brain, so they are absolutely not correctly thresholded. (Whereas when I open the raw z-stats image and threshold manually, I do not get such large clusters). I suspect something is wrong either with the original model (see design files attached) or the smoothest/cluster correction.

For smoothest, the input requires DF. degrees of freedom are unknown in a mixed effects model, but since flame 1 uses number of copes - all of the predictors including conditions, subjects, confounds, I calculated the DF from the number of rows - number of columns in the design matrix. Is the appropriate degrees of freedom for this analysis?
