



Booking now open!


Social Media for Learning in Higher Education Conference

Friday 16th December 2016 at Sheffield Hallam University


The second Social Media for Learning in Higher Education Conference #SocMedHE16 is being organised by, and held at Sheffield Hallam University. This conference creates a forum for academics, students and strategic managers to consider the role and opportunities of social media in empowering the learner. This year the keynote will be replaced by a “Key-Not” – there will be more information about this mysterious session on the conference site in the coming weeks. In the meantime, papers and workshops have been finalised and full abstracts can be found on the site, along with travel, accommodation and booking information.


Students are a very important part of SocMedHE, and this year we’re making a number of free places available for students from any HEI to attend as delegates. We’ll be publicising details via Twitter in early November, please keep an eye out by following @SocMedHE, or email [log in to unmask] for more information.


Booking is now OPEN, and the early bird rate is available until 21st November


Abstracts, recordings and presentations from #SocMedHE15 are available on the conference site. We had lots of excellent (and unsolicited) feedback from last year including:  


 “I have been to many academic conferences, UK and abroad - you are the first where I felt that it appropriate to share personal thanks. Thank you - really, don’t be surprised, it was great. There was from the outset a definite vibe - the pre-dinner was convivial, everyone friendly and the whole event seems to have attracted a diverse group all wanting to share.”
Andrew Smith, The Open University


“the conference was excellent, there are very few I go to where I feel spoilt for choice and this was definitely one of them. Hopefully the response was good enough for you to be making this an annual event.”

Dr. Mark Childs Senior Lecturer (TEL), OCSLD, Oxford Brookes University


Follow us on Twitter @SocMedHE for regular updates
Use #SocMedHE16 to discuss the event.
[log in to unmask] for enquiries 
Visit the conference site: