

That's a much more reasonable proposal than mine, Jamie.

Which was a bit nutty, really, and I apologize for the extremist tone of it.

And to the other comments: Of course it would be good to have Alison Croggon posting here.

Along with everyone else who was on the UK Poetry List before the unprecedented meltdown there.  

>>> Jaime Robles <[log in to unmask]> 10/30/16 10:32 PM >>>
Fifty seems like a lot, Kent. How about one post from a woman, one post from a man. Equitable, no?

Best wishes, 


QS: Let’s return to poetics.
JR: When did we leave?

—From the conversation between Quinta Slef and Joan Retallack, The Poethical Wager

On Oct 30, 2016, at 7:31 PM, Kent Johnson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

I would like to propose an indefinite moratorium on posts by men on the list.

No more posts by men until there are at least fifty posts by women without a single post by men.

Then, after that first interrupting post by a man, there should be fifty more posts by women until the next post by a man.

This might sound silly, but it would take only about five days, at the most, for there to be fifty posts by women. Certainly men can wait five days. Or twenty, after the first moratorium period.

Of course, men probably can't wait. Cocks are burning.

If women on the list would wish to cancel this proposal, then it should be immediately canceled.

Well, anyway.


>>> Jeffrey Side <[log in to unmask]> 10/30/16 1:33 PM >>>
Kent, I could only be contradicting myself if my summary of Tim’s position led to the conclusion that personal preferences regarding whether individuals prefer songs to poetry or vice versa should be ruled out. I don’t think it does. At least, I hope it doesn’t.

On Sun, 30 Oct 2016 13:17:05 Kent Johnson wrote:

Jeffrey, I fully realize you were speaking for yourself.
My point was that you were contradicting yourself!
No big deal. I am fully conversant with self-contradiction...