

Moderators. Can you please instruct people no not keep starting discussions here about songs and poetry. It's getting beyond a joke. Its going nowhere. And other matters have not been dealt with fully. For example, I'm a bit puzzled why no one has mentioned how Geraldine Monk was rude to me by using the F word to me. Jamie hasn't admitted it and no one who has seen that discussion I posted the link to has commented. Jamie said i was rude to her but how is this being rude:

[Me] "Do you only post things about your work here to get praise? Facebook is a better medium for that, it seems."

or this:

[Me] "Geraldine, sorry if you thought my reply was insulting [meaning the one above, which wasn't insulting, as can be seen]. I thought you were comparing the praise your publication announcements got on Facebook with the lack of praise for them here. It sounded as if you were complaining about not getting similar praise here. If it wasn’t a complaint then what was the reason for your post? Was it to get people to be critical of your announcements? I doubt it. I've seen many publication announcements posted here, and the vast majority have been ignored, so you shouldn’t feel singled out."

And does it warrant this from Geraldine:

[Her] "As for David Lace’s reply – he’s likes to insult people and his response is so beneath contempt I can’t even be arsed to tell him to go fuck himself.  So I won’t bother."

She clearly says "to go fuck himself"--or to be exact she says she couldn't be arsed (another expletive) to, but by saying this, she is enacting what she says she isn't "arsed" to do. I have always conducted myself courteously here, despite what Jamie claims, and hope that at least a few here have seen this, and are willing to see that I was not being rude to her.

If swearing to me is not being rude then what is? It was uncalled for, and she didn't apologise for this overreaction to my perfectly reasonable comments, which included one apology--that didn't really need to be made, and was made simply out of good manners. Far from I being rude to her she was rude to me. It's a shame can't take mild criticism (was it critical anyway, and not just an attempt to find out what she was going on about) and sees it as offensive to her sense of ego.