

It is me getting doddery Robin


Turn that frown upside down

On Friday, 14 October 2016, Robin Hamilton <[log in to unmask]> wrote:


I think I've managed to put my foot in it again.

I said:

"Teach me to throw sarcastic remarks around, when they can come back and bite you -- "Learn something new every day."  I did, and I've you to thank."

... and you responded:

 On sarcastic remarks I hope I do not teach anyone given it is termed "the lowest form of wit". Only an offer I could not refuse could lure me out of my bunker to some new School of Sarcastic Sounding Off! But I will not head to Sparty Lea to found a new Black Mountain College Robin.

In full, my earlier statement should have read: ""[That will] Teach me to throw sarcastic remarks around, when they can come back and bite you, [as my earlier sark just did] -- "Learn something new every day."  I did, and I've you to thank [for directing me to this interesting area which I hadn't encountered before]."

... or mibee I'm simply making confusion worse confounded.


