Dear Poet-Folk,

My dad (Richard Caddel) was one of the founders of this list, which was created in order to promote the healthy, rigorous and POSITIVE  discussion of British contemporary  poetry. I'm pretty sure he didn't intend it to be used as a forum for a slanging match. Please moderate your comments in future so that I don't have to. 

I also believe that he would be excited to see all forms of social media (check out dad's FB page!) being used as an excellent way to promote what is still seen as a fairly elite medium to a wider audience. For anyone new to this list they would be forgiven for thinking it is hosted by a bunch of irate [insert own term here] who have become so consumed in their own small worlds they have forgotten there are other people out there. 

EM Forster:  'Only Connect'


Lucy Caddel
Head of Art & Design
Sent from my iPhone