

Welcome, Harriet!

Not certain that I can be of any help; but, wanted to open lines of communication.  I traveled to UK as a doctoral candidate - about 10 years ago now - and research that includes therapeutic communities has grown into such a passion for me for the past 20 years or so.  Much of my research with TCs has been in collaboration with Dr. Keith Warren (Ohio State University), studying how interactions in a community work to bring about change.  I currently am providing clinical oversight for our 6 prison-based TCs in Ohio.  And, of course, not to be discounted, I have extended family in Scotland, outside of Glasgow, so I enjoy staying connected to my "TC family" across the pond as well!!  (and, thinking after this dreadful election here, may want to relocate!!)

Wishing you the best regards in your studies and if I can be of any assistance, please reach out!

Carole Harvey, Ph.D., LISW-S

Director of Compliance & Accreditation

CompDrug, Inc.

From: Therapeutic Communities <[log in to unmask]> on behalf of Harriet Barratt Dorling <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2016 5:44:23 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [EFTC] Hello
Dear all,

I hope you're all well. I've just joined the JISC mailing list and on Rowdy Yates's suggestion thought it would be good to introduce myself (many thanks to Rowdy for the nice welcome message). 

I'm currently researching how twentieth-century writers represent our relationship to material objects (medical devices, domestic possessions etc) in illness, particularly mental illness. As part of this, I'm undertaking a research placement with the Science Museum's medical team, who hold most of the Wellcome Collection. Part of my role there is to identify interesting objects both inside and outside of their collections which are relevant to the history of therapeutic communities and talking therapies - if anyone has any ideas please do let me know!

Hope to come across some of you at relevant events. 

Very best, 

Harriet Barratt Dorling
PhD candidate, School of English, University of Sussex

Phone: 07968 454911
Twitter: @harrietmb